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Product specification

  1. Products

Bricks made from quarry waste cut carbon on Hackney extension

Upcycled limestone bricks bring warmth and precision detailing to domestic extension by Draper Studio

15 April 2024

Roofing and rooflights

Opening up to more light can transform a project, optimising a design's potential and energising its spaces

How architects specify for light is central to the success of their designs

'Best roofing material known to man' brings outstanding aesthetics and unbeatable durability to a residential refurbishment in the village of Old Buckenham

Residential refurbishment has 'best roofing material known to man'

At Ann Nisbet Studio's award-winning project in Ayrshire, even the rooflight specification is a symbiosis of contemporary and heritage

Even the rooflights combine contemporary and heritage

It might not be especially well-known - certainly up against slate - but phyllite is an excellent material and harder, denser and stronger than many alternatives

Phyllite is harder, denser and stronger than many alternatives

Congregation and community stay cosy at All Hallows Church Leeds thanks to a thermo-acoustic insulation product made from recycled denim jeans and cotton and polyester fibres

Congregation and community stay cosy at All Hallows Church Leeds
