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Brick schtick

By the time you’ve got over the profligacy of the fact that this house sitting on a pond is in fact not a house in itself but a mere extension to a neighbouring manor house, you may have already forgiven the fact that the brick walls bookending it are not structural but a form of rain screen cladding. It’s the steel and timber structure within that’s doing all the work on architect Hamish and Lyons’ design. But that wasn’t going to create the contextual qualities the architect was craving; for this they looked to Michelmersh’s Charnwood I-line Hampshire Red brick, which had a ‘rich, uniform colour and extra length to emphasise the horizontal/ linear aspect of the building.’ This was helped by recessing the mortar joints ‘to highlight the materiality of each brick’. A neat, understated detail in a design that seems otherwise characterised by notions of excess.


Tuesday 1 October 2024,  12:00-13:30

Reinventing the Home webinar

Dom Cox and Florence Shitemu's proposal challenges the elitism of Olympic skeet and trap shooting events by placing them in an urban setting

The proposal challenges the elitism of Olympic skeet and trap shooting events

Julian Kashdan-Brown proposes a new Colosseum where gladiatorial individual combat sports are surrounded by an amphitheatre of epic proportions

Individual combat sports are surrounded by an amphitheatre of epic proportions

Julian Evans and Sian Briggs' reimagining of how the sport of climbing might be improved as a spectator experience is the overall winner of this year's West Fraser SterlingOSB Zero/RIBAJ competition

A speed-climbing venue in central London has won this year's West Fraser SterlingOSB Zero/RIBAJ competition

Four projects finished longlisted in this year’s West Fraser SterlingOSB Zero/RIBAJ's Zero to Hero competition

Designs by Francesco Cuturi, Craig Higgins, Rob Pickering and Alex Jones make the cut