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Research and analysis  

  1. Intelligence

RIBA Bronze Medal goes to The Council for Ecosystem Restoration’s promotion of ecological justice

Kacper Sehnke of University of Westminster creates a demountable thatched tower for the UN Decade of Restoration which regenerates the site it occupies

14 December 2023

  1. Intelligence

Overseas income helps push UK practice revenue to over £4bn

While revenue growth hasn't kept up with the rising costs of running a practice, a surge in overseas work could help turn things around for UK practices, says RIBA head of economic research and analysis Adrian Malleson

5 February 2025

Book reviews

There’s a distinct theme of preservation in this selection of must-reads, looking at historic materials, restoration and retrofitting, and why we should design out hazardous materials

Investigations into indoor air quality, retrofitting historic buildings and heritage materials

The Design Museum probes the inner worlds of the cult film director in a revealing display of his tropes, suburban upbringing and the critical role of his drawings

The outlook, influences and used artefacts of the cult film director

At a panel discussion accompanying the Building Centre’s recent social housing exhibition, experts sought ways to put retrofit, rather than newbuild, at the top of the agenda

How to prioritise green renewal rather than demolition

The Greek artist's exhibition Images through Matter charts a decades-long career investigating the elements and materials that make the city, separating and reconstructing its layers in a fascination with the urban fabric

Athenian artist's work with the elements and materials of the city at the Hellenic Centre

Sustainable design has a long history in the region, but growing populations and rising temperatures demand even more inventive approaches. Andy Shaw and Sandra Woodall on a new RIBA exhibition that shows where we are now

Sustainable design for rising temperatures and populations