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Brentford Lock West

Exceptional finesse and restraint

Credit: Jack Hobhouse

Duggan Morris for ISIS Waterside Regeneration

Contract value: £70m. GIA: 1972m2

This is the first section to be completed in Urbed’s Brentford Lock West masterplan. Each block in this 45-unit scheme has been articulated with occasional cuts and projections that tune the warehouse-like massing to specific relationships and adjacencies.

  • Credit: Jack Hobhouse
  • Credit: Jack Hobhouse
  • Credit: Jack Hobhouse
  • Credit: Jack Hobhouse
  • Credit: Jack Hobhouse
  • Credit: Jack Hobhouse
  • Credit: Jack Hobhouse
  • Credit: Jack Hobhouse
  • Credit: Jack Hobhouse
  • Credit: Jack Hobhouse

Full height windows and 2.5m deep thin projecting balconies add a further layer of patterning and shadow within a simple palette of brick, champagne-coloured metalwork and window frames, with perforate metal screens to sub-ground cycle storage enlivening the elevation. The jury felt the project had exceptional finesse and restraint – a building of urban solemnity, a distinctive waterfront presence, and a solid precedent for the greater aspirations of the masterplan. 

See other winners in the RIBA Regional Awards 2015 – London

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