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Pitched Black, Brockley

Gruff Architects put ingenuity, care, thoughtfulness and collaboration into this house, a winner in the London South East Regional Awards

Pitched Black
Pitched Black Credit: French + Tye

Gruff Architects for Gruff Architects
Contract value: £600,000 
GIA: 1522
Cost per m2: £3,947

Pitched Black is the family house of one of the Gruff Architects directors.

The site posed many logistical challenges. Located in a conservation area, this former builder’s yard is awkwardly shaped, bounded on one side by a railway cutting and surrounded by neighbours. However, the building responds well, cunningly modelled and articulated to avoid overlooking and overshadowing while capturing views wherever possible.

A distinctive black-clad upper floor and roof sit on a plinth of blond bricks, their scale and form cleverly concealing the extent of accommodation within.

The main elevation is orientated northwards over the garden and enjoys views over the wooded cutting. Despite having seemingly windowless elevations and a basement, the house is surprisingly full of light.

The ingenuity, care, thoughtfulness and collaboration required to deliver this innovative family home are evident throughout.

  • Pitched Black
    Pitched Black Credit: French + Tye
  • Pitched Black
    Pitched Black Credit: French + Tye
  • Pitched Black
    Pitched Black Credit: French + Tye
  • Pitched Black
    Pitched Black Credit: French + Tye

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