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The Passivhaus Handbook

The Passivhaus Handbook
Janet Cotterell and Adam Dadeby
Green Books £35

The back cover states that the authors, an architect and a Passivhaus consultant, each with over 20 years’ experience, are directors of Passivhaus Homes Ltd. This statement of vested interest also suggests the expertise that both of them can bring to their subject. As a result, this is an in-depth study of the Passivhaus methodology, whose principles still polarise UK architects. Split into two parts, the first section covers ‘The How and Why of Passivhaus’ while the second is a practical guide  to their construction analysing key issues such as thermal bridges, airtightness, moisture, windows and ventilation. Information is broken into digestible nuggets of information with box-outs, photographs and diagrams, illustrating both the benefits and potential pitfalls of the technique. The appendix carries a brief illustrated guide to certified UK Passivhaus projects, giving opportunities for architects to experience the technology for themselves. A valuable starter for architects wishing to pursue their own investigations. 


25 February 2025

Colour in Design webinar

Leaving behind his job at Camden’s architect department and his self-designed London home, Gibson moved to Shetland, setting up an award-winning practice and realising a significant and sensitive body of work

With his sensitive designs, Gibson made a significant contribution to Shetland's built environment

The 14-storey Capella is one of the last residential schemes in London’s King’s Cross masterplan, with 120 market sale homes and 56 social rented flats. Allies and Morrison partner Angie Jim Osman and associate Arpad Toth discuss the choices made for its doors and windows

The door and window choices for the 14-storey Capella housing scheme in King’s Cross

Since retaking office, Donald Trump has been wielding his favoured weapon of disruption – tariffs. Whether they are imposed or not, the potential impacts for UK architects and construction firms are wide-ranging and unpredictable

Donald Trump's threatened tariffs could have wide-ranging and unpredictable impacts on the UK's architects and construction firms, whether they are imposed or not

Rising demand for energy-efficient building materials will see a strong pipeline for door and window products, says Nicola Sharkey, UK insights and research lead at Gleeds

Nicola Sharkey, UK insights and research lead at Gleeds, advises on costs