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Fakro Type C rooflights

Flat-glazed Passivhaus-standard rooflights that are secure too

In association with
Fakro Type C rooflights.
Fakro Type C rooflights.

Fakro Type C flat roof windows offer considerable benefits over traditional domed rooflights. They are equipped with anti-burglary P2A glazing units and utilise an innovative dome installation system for which a patent has been applied for and provides high impact resistance (Class SB 1200 - EN 1873) to further increase security. With UV-resistant coatings on outer and inner surfaces, windows are available with a transparent or opaque dome. Standard options include either triple-glazing (window U-value of 1.2 W/m2K - EN 12567-2) or quadruple glazing (window U-value as low as 0.55 W/m2K - size 120x120cm). Suitable for Passivhaus projects they achieve Class B fire resistance (PN-EN 13501-1).

The DEC electrically controlled window offers wireless Z-Wave functionality, other options including DMC manually controlled and DXC non-opening windows. A wide range of standard sizes equates to those of standard skylights to facilitate easy replacement. Internal and external accessories can be fitted, a further patent application relating to installation of an awning blind beneath the dome. They can be installed on pitches between 2-15 degrees.

  • Fakro Type C roof lights.
    Fakro Type C roof lights.
  • Fakro Type C roof lights.
    Fakro Type C roof lights.

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