Interior ideas worth staying in for
Plunging into the demanding world of art can be a stressful experience for the footsore culture vulture, who would perhaps rather rest their weary body in a soothing spathroom. But at Yasmine Mahmoudieh’s Augeo Art Space in Palazzo Spina, Hi Macs helps visitors unwind with this sinuous ‘functional structure’. Is it a seat? Is it a bar? Is it a ‘state of fluid dynamism’? Actually, it’s all three, swooping and transforming itself from one to another as it flows through the space, leading you to find first the culture and then – aah, bliss – the spa beyond.
Kitchen drawers
A kitchen without drawers is like Paul Hollywood without Mary Berry – charmless and irritating. Luckily, Valcucine has come up with Genius Loci, a drawer that knows its potential. Styled to sit either discreetly flush in their slot or with a jaunty projection, they are now deep enough to stand a bottle upright inside and feature a back panel that will conceal anything unsightly such as the dishwasher or power sockets. Now, if they could only make a space to hide the bottle and keep others’ thieving hands off the cook’s tipple, I could rustle up the frangipane in peace.
Ceiling tiles
Armstrong Ceilings
Armstrong Ceilings is proud to announce that in its contract to supply South Glasgow University Hospital with tiles and various suspension and dry wall grid systems with bespoke Axiom perimeter ‘solutions’, it diverted 35 tonnes of mineral ceiling tile off-cuts from landfill. The final resting place for the off-cuts, once back at the factory, isn’t detailed, but patients at the hospital can at least rest assured that this is no Soylent Green operation – we’re talking mineral tiles here and nothing ends up being eaten – though anyone who’s consumed hospital fare may beg to differ.
Bathroom collection
We all love to relax in the bathroom and it’s the space that is least likely to suffer the style over practical living that some high end designs impose. But of course relaxation requires soothing surroundings, and if your dream closet is elegant too, then Galassia’s Dream collection has the full Colgate smile... and then some. Dream is a ‘total look’ of accessories and free standing pieces made of melamine, Corten, PEFC wood and other class materials styled into an Italian pamper-ready experience. Who needs the rest of the house – this is divinity supreme. Caio, bella!