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London Zoo: Bars everywhere

London Zoo’s reinvention (its ‘Zoo Lates’ summer night event is a racy staple for young adults on the prowl), included architect and designer SHH’s appointment to transform its restaurant – part of a 3-year, £4.6m upgrade of the original 1920s building. Now an area increased by nearly 1000m2 includes two expansive restaurants and much-increased mezzanine floor space to deal with almost 10,000 visitors a day. This involved replacing a 1960s wing with a new tiered extension including a 6m high space at the front, re-revealing arches to the main building. The new structure is all steel columns and plenty of glass, with plant areas hidden by Parklex-clad timber wings. The work has boosted covers from 240 to 700, tripling capacity for all those hungry little monsters.


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Woofferton’s Curtain Array, a 1940s BBC shortwave transmission station, surprised Rachel Ferriman as she drove round a Shropshire bend

Rachel Ferriman's photograph of Woofferton’s Curtain Array, a 1940s BBC transmission station

Rome-based artist Quayola has been challenging his CNC machine partners to do ‘crazy things’ as he reinterprets Michelangelo’s sculptures and now aims to interpret the 'super-natural'

Rome-based artist Quayola has been challenging CNC machines to do ‘crazy things’ as he reinterprets Michelangelo’s sculptures