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Stamp of approval

Jan-Carlos Kucharek
Credit: Graham Mathers

Crossrail’s so old hat: it’s just a copy of the Post Office’s 1927 Mail Rail that ran through central London to prevent your post getting caught up in the traffic jams. Twisted logic now meets the need with Royal Mail vans on impossible delivery schedules racing through the city but at least drivers can screech to a halt at the refurbished Mount Pleasant sorting office, clad in Technal’s Geode-MX Visible Grid system. They should enjoy the light and views while they can – the delivery yard behind it has been sold and is set to become a contentious high density housing scheme approved by mayor Boris Johnson last year. So that’s public land gone for a song for private profit – no more views and nowhere to park. If only it meant we’d get our letters faster.



Tuesday 1 October 2024,  12:00-13:30

Reinventing the Home webinar

The Emory hotel offers lessons in leanness from collaborating engineers, to avoid unnecessary structure or enclosed spaces, so expending less carbon, says RSHP’s Ivan Harbour

The Emory hotel offers lessons in avoiding unnecessary structure or enclosed spaces

The architecture of reuse can lead to surprise revelations once a project goes on site, says Eleanor Young

The architecture of reuse can lead to surprise revelations once a project goes on site

Dom Cox and Florence Shitemu's proposal challenges the elitism of Olympic skeet and trap shooting events by placing them in an urban setting

The proposal challenges the elitism of Olympic skeet and trap shooting events

Julian Kashdan-Brown proposes a new Colosseum where gladiatorial individual combat sports are surrounded by an amphitheatre of epic proportions

Individual combat sports are surrounded by an amphitheatre of epic proportions