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Cinque Ports Street, Rye

Important infill of an intricate and rich mixed-use complex

Credit: Oliver Perrott

Jonathan Dunn Architects for Cinque Port Developments

Contract value: Undisclosed (over £1m)

GIA: 1050m2


The site, in the heart of the ancient town of Rye, was formerly derelict. The scheme provides a mix of residential accommodation with six flats, two penthouses, a studio and a detached house, with two commercial units to the street. A central courtyard marks the line of the protected Medieval town wall.

JDA took design cues from the warehouses along the river front and East Sussex’s coastal architecture. The intention was to emphasise the simplicity of the traditional forms and materials, by creating a street front elevation with a dramatic angular roof line and simple elevational detailing and treatment in dark timber rain screen cladding, slate and render. 

  • Credit: Oliver Perrott
  • Credit: Oliver Perrott
  • Credit: Oliver Perrott
  • Credit: Oliver Perrott

The architect has skilfully tiptoed around the remains of the Medieval wall, as well as resolving issues of access, overlooking and parking on a tight site. The close relationship between developer, architect and owner-occupier has led to an important infill of an intricate and rich mixed-use complex in an historic setting. 

See other winners of the RIBA Regional Awards 2016 – South East


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