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Procurement ideas for doors, windows and ironmongery

Claire Leavey

Doors, windows and ironmongery made real in fantasy situations

Airlock security doors 
Warrior Doors

Two households, both alike in dignity, 
in Lunduntahn, the place we lay our scene, 
compete to get some Boodles’ jewellery. 
Here’s one who footy plays to buy the cream; 
the other chooses skiing masks, a sawn-off
and a safe-crack team. 
The first wins big, buys trinkets by the barrowload. 
The fearful passage of the other shows 
crime cannot pay: the stolen Landie fails 
when faced with Warrior security.
And so by ram-raid’s end is proved
nought can defy iMotion 2302-operated stainless steel
that’s interlocking,
styled to please the eye.

Dualframe 75 profiles

‘Yes, this is a picture of what it was like a year ago. God, we loved the view, didn’t we Ray?’
‘Hmm. We don’t even open the curtains now.’
‘It’s very depressing. The whole point of installing Dualframe 75 and Elegance 52 was to indulge superior thermal performance while still enjoying the glorious countryside.’
‘It’s the crowds, you see. Very off-putting.’
‘Yes, our marriage has definitely suffered. Ray just can’t keep his mind on the job any more. But he would make that bloody video.’

Minimal Windows sliding doors
IQ Glass

When a day that you know is Wednesday starts off by sounding like Sunday, there is something seriously wrong.
I felt that from the moment I woke. And presently I had my first evidence – a distant clock struck what sounded to me like eight. Then I knew things were awry.
The way I came to miss the end of the world was sheer accident: I had specified ‘Minimal Windows’ for my new extension, and the solar coatings on the structural glass had repelled the meteors’ glare as effectively as bandaged eyes…

SPW501 doors
Senior Architectural Systems

‘No, no Cora, it’s absolutely fine! The new spa extension blends seamlessly with the Jacobean style of the house, and the guests absolutely love Mr Carson’s “Quintessentially English” tea-tray reiki! They adore it!’ 
‘Really, Robert! You just never listen, do you? It’s your mother I’m so dreadfully worried about. The doors. The modern doors. I selected them specifically. If the dowager works out how to use them, no-one will visit the spa again! It will fail instantly! Has she worked out yet how to use the doors?’



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