Effective firestopping is one of the most fundamental elements of a good design. Below is our seniors editor's pick of three stories from their campaign that demonstrate its essential role in all buildings
Article 1: Firestop the press
Documentation Manager – a new app which can keep track of your fire prevention strategy, and any holes in it – is being used to maintain high safety standards at a German printworks...
Article 2: Playing with fire
Firestopping is crucial to the safety performance of any building, and the efficacy of products, like collars, sealants or sprays, should be underpinned by stringent and transparent testing processes...
Article 3: Roll up your sleeves
London’s Vista project is cracking on apace thanks to Hilti’s time and cost saving cast-in firestop...
For more information: https://www.hilti.co.uk/firestop-and-fire-protection-systems
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